I moved to Ypsilanti in 2014 for a job and I stayed because of the people and the possibilities of this place. As a person who moved around a lot as a kid, I feel lucky to have found such a vibrant home to grow roots.
During my time in Ypsi, I have been connecting with the community in so many deep ways. From hosting a protest march with Love, Resilience, Action Ypsi (LRAY) during Trump’s inauguration to organizing with Rising for Economic Democracy in Ypsi (REDY) for the second Community Benefits Ordinance in the country to co-founding What’s Left Ypsi, a community-supported news source, I have been learning about the history that makes Ypsi special and helping others to act in the face of injustice.
I am running for City Council because I believe that we have what we need, we have who we need, in order to shift from what is to what will be. We need to address big issues in our community around racial disparities within Washtenaw County, the lack of affordable and accessible housing to match our population’s needs, the need for community safety for all, and the gaps in who has information and can participate in decision-making and those who don’t. I know that it isn’t about what I can do, it is about what we can do together.
I look forward to meeting you out and about as I travel around town by foot, bike, or bus. I hope to earn your vote for the May 7 special election and more than that, I hope to earn your engagement as we progress toward the future we deserve.
Find out more at https://www.desirae4ypsi.com/