The DFL Feminist Caucus is back! We need your help now more than ever. Please consider joining us as a paid member.
Feminist Caucus Membership Levels for 2023 are:
$25 Individual
$50 Sponsor
$100 Benefactor
$250 Sustainer
$500 Founder
Individual membership covers the approximate cost to run the caucus each year for one member. Sponsor level helps cover the costs for 2 members. $100 helps pay for websites fees. $250 covers the tabling fees at Conventions or other events. $500 helps offset the cost of printed materials. Per DFL rules membership fees are not required to be a member. All funds collected are used to advance the electoral goals of the DFL Feminist Caucus in Minnesota.
We do not want cost to be prohibitive to participation, if you would like to join for free, please email stating your request to join and include your address and email contact info. No questions asked. We just require the opt-in and time-date stamp for our record keeping.