DGA - Every State Every Vote

Every State Every Vote

Every State, Every Vote: A project of the Democratic Governors Association.

The DGA’s Every State, Every Vote, in partnership with Fair Fight, is a comprehensive initiative that will bring together Democratic governors’ efforts around voter protection, voting access, redistricting, and the 2020 census. We're making sure voters know what is at stake in 2020 and beyond. Together we can make our voices heard across the country. Together, we can make sure every vote matters, in every state.

Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
DGA – Every State Every Vote is a separate account within the DGA focused solely on increasing fairness in the political and electoral processes and supporting gubernatorial candidates aligned with that mission. Contributions will be used at the DGA’s sole discretion in one or more states of its choosing, and the DGA may use all or part of a contributor’s funds, and disclose them as necessary, in one or more states of its choosing. Your contribution to DGA – Every State Every Vote will also be disclosed on public filings with the IRS. Please include your employer's address and, for individual contributors, your occupation and employer. Federal law imposes taxes and penalties on political organizations for failing to disclose this information to the IRS. Contributions or gifts to the Democratic Governors Association, including the DGA – Every State Every Vote, are not tax deductible. Unlimited contributions may be accepted from individuals, corporations, unions and PACs. Contributions are not accepted from foreign nationals (individuals or corporations) and nationally chartered banks.

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