Every year our communities are being reminded of just how important our civic participation and our vote is for the future of our families. Now more than ever, it is time to uplift the voices of NM’s BIPOC, immigrant, LGBTQ+, workers, youth & women electorate to build the world we know we deserve!
Since 2020, immigrant, black, indigenous, people of color, through DIANM, have made more than 140k calls, sent more than 30k mailers, and generated more than 200k online actions to ensure our voices are heard when it comes to electing the right people into office.
We couldn't have done any of this without your support, to empower, motivate, and activate communities of color to fight for change. So make sure to contribute to our work to make sure this historic moment isn't just a "one-off" but a new normal in our communities.
The power of BIPOC families and communities continues to make itself present and it's not going away anytime soon!