Disney Defenders is working to undo the damage DeSantis has done to Disney and our Democracy. Your financial support will help support our work to amend Florida's constitution to #RestoreReedyCreek and #ProhibitPoliticalRetaliation.
Disney Defenders is working to undo the damage DeSantis has done to Disney and our Democracy. Your financial support will help support our work to amend Florida's constitution to #RestoreReedyCreek and #ProhibitPoliticalRetaliation.
We have to collect nearly 1,000,000 signatures to get our proposed amendments on the ballot. Every $10 you donate, helps us print 100 more petitions.
In appreciation for your $10+ donation, we'll send you our new Defend Walt's Dream car magnet.
In appreciation for your $25+ donation, we'll send you a collection of our 3 most popular car magnets, including our Proud To Say Gay car magnet!
In appreciation for your $500+ donation, we'll create a special social media post recognizing you or your company/organization as an official Disney Defender.
In appreciation for your $1,000+ donation, we'll produce a special video that will highlight you or your company/organization as an official Disney Defender.
Together, with your support, we will defend the American dream that made Walt Disney's dream possible.
Please consider donating today!