Daily Kos

Donate now to turn Pennsylvania blue!

Even though Pennsylvania's a swing state and should be up for grabs by both parties, Republicans have held a lock on the state legislature for years. Why? Extreme GOP gerrymandering.

But thanks to intense progressive energy, Democrats overcame those gerrymanders to pick up 11 seats in the 203-member state House in 2018. Now, we just need to flip nine more this year in order take back the whole chamber.

Even better: We can shrink that down to eight by winning a special election on March 17 in the 18th District, located in the Philadelphia suburbs. Even better still, this district actually favors Democrats on paper—and we have a strong candidate running in union plumber Howie Hayes, who shares a similar background with many voters in this working-class area.

Republicans, meanwhile, have chosen as their nominee a candidate whose chief qualification is that she's the daughter of a local state senator. It's the people's plumber vs. the cronies' stooge.

The GOP has also done everything they can to suppress turnout. While this election could have been combined with the presidential primary in April, Republicans decided to hold it earlier because they expect more Democrats to show up when the race for the White House is in the ballot.

But we can shove that cynical ploy right in their faces by giving Hayes the help he needs so that he can get his voters to the polls.

Please donate $3 now to help plumber Howie Hayes flush out the GOP and turn Pennsylvania blue!

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  1. I am at least eighteen years old.
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds or the funds of an authorizing corporation or other entity, and the funds are not being provided by any other person or entity.

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