Daily Kos

Contribute now to turn California's 48th District blue!

GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher is a pro-Trump, pro-Putin, pro-Alex Jones conspiracy mongering nutball who thinks the Nazi riots in Charlottesville, VA were a liberal "hoax" perpetrated by "dumb Civil War re-enactors." Seriously, he said this.

Fortunately for us, Rohrabacher's historically Republican district in Southern California swung hard against Trump last year and Hillary Clinton narrowly won it. What's more, a large and energetic group of Democratic candidates has emerged to challenge the incumbent.

But Rohrabacher's been in Congress since 1989, and he's won by less than double digits just once in 15 tries. Even with this district's positive trend, he'll be difficult to beat, so we need to make sure our nominee has all the resources they need to send Rohrabacher packing.

Please give $3 to help flip retire lunatic Dana Rohrabacher today!

Contribution rules

  1. I am at least eighteen years old.
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds or the funds of an authorizing corporation or other entity, and the funds are not being provided by any other person or entity.

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