While Republicans in D.C. tend to dominate the news, their counterparts in state capitols have quietly spent years pushing the same malign agenda that coddles the rich and screws everyone else. Often with far too little attention, they’ve eviscerated worker protections, attacked women’s reproductive rights, made voting harder for communities of color, cut funding for education, allowed roads and bridges to fall into disrepair, and slashed taxes on the wealthy.
But this year, we have the opportunity to elect a progressive fighter to the governorship of Florida. Powered by intense Democratic enthusiasm and disgust with Donald Trump, Florida voters have the opportunity to elect Andrew Gillum and prevent Trump-style extremism from expanding in the Sunshine State. A Gillum win would not only bring Republican legislation to a halt in Florida, but it would also give Democrats a chance to start to roll back the GOP's worst excesses.
Please give $3 to help elect Andrew Gillum!