Daily Kos

Daily Kos endorses Jacky Rosen

Goal thermometer

A year ago, it would have seemed crazy to imagine that Democrats could retake the Senate in 2018. But Democrats now need just two more seats to wrest the gavel from Mitch McConnell, and with the political winds at our backs, it’s no longer impossible to contemplate a path to the majority. That path starts in Nevada, where Democrats need to oust Republican Sen. Dean Heller. Jacky Rosen is the Democrat to do that.

Rosen currently represents Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District, and though she’s a relative political newcomer, she’s wasted no time establishing her progressive bona fides since her election in 2016. Rosen, a former synagogue president, has been fighting relentlessly in the House to pass a clean DREAM Act and give DREAMers a path to full and equal citizenship. She’s been a fierce and steadfast defender of reproductive rights and funding for Planned Parenthood. And after her community suffered the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history last fall, Rosen introduced bills reinstating the assault weapons ban and limiting high-capacity magazines.

Rosen’s candidacy is the worst nightmare of a politician as spineless and feckless as Dean Heller. Under pressure from Trump, Heller reversed his stance from last summer against the repealing the Affordable Care Act and voted for the Republican “replacement” that would have gutted Medicaid funding and eliminated protections for people with pre-existing conditions. After using hateful rhetoric to describe children of immigrants in his 2012 Senate run, he fearfully flip-flopped to favor comprehensive immigration reform in 2013. But ever since Trump’s election, he’s tacked back to his natural home on the right: He refuses to support the DREAM Act, has voted against bipartisan measures to protect DREAMers, and voted for Trump’s divisive anti-immigrant plan. In fact, Heller voted in line with Trump 96 percent of the time last year and has never voted against a Trump nominee. 

Please give $3 to Jacky Rosen today!

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