Stop war with Iran

Right now, sabre rattlers in the White House—including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, CIA Director Gina Haskel, and national security advisor John Bolton—are pushing Donald Trump to bomb Iran, a move opposed by Pentagon officials. According to reports from the New York Times and others, we came so close to war with Iran that war planes were in the air before being called off.

Daily Kos has worked for years to avoid war with Iran. Our readers took more than 1.1 million actions to push Congress into accepting the Iran nuclear deal negotiated by President Obama—a deal with Donald Trump walked away from with no plan for the future.

We need to do everything in our power to stop a costly, devastating war in the Middle East—again. Please chip in whatever you can to help offset the cost of our campaign.

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  1. I am at least eighteen years old.
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds or the funds of an authorizing corporation or other entity, and the funds are not being provided by any other person or entity.

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