Contribute now to save both the Internet and Daily Kos

The FCC—headed by Trump's FCC Chairman Ajit Pai—voted to end net neutrality on a party line vote.

This is a huge loss to a years-long campaign waged by Daily Kos and partner organizations across the country, and it's a huge threat to Daily Kos' continued existence.

Net neutrality prevents internet service providers from blocking sites, throttling traffic, or offering so-called "fast lanes." Without this, internet users and small media outlets like Daily Kos are at the mercy of big telecom companies to be blocked or slowed down unless de facto ransom fees are paid.

But this fight doesn't end with the FCC. On May 16, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution using the Congressional Review Act to overturn the FCC decision. It now goes to the Republican -led House, which will be a more difficult fight. We are determined to fight the FCC on this every step of the way.

Ending net neutrality is a direct threat to Daily Kos' existence. Can you chip in to help Daily Kos keep fighting for its life?

Contribution rules

  1. I am at least eighteen years old.
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds or the funds of an authorizing corporation or other entity, and the funds are not being provided by any other person or entity.

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