Get Out the Vote PAC - Unlimited

Donate to Down Ballot Allies PAC


When you hear the term “campaign finance”, you may immediately get a slight headache thinking of a complicated, complex topic that is oftentimes more stressful than it is fruitful.

That norm has been established for decades now. Many campaigns are always thinking about the bottom line, and as a result, they are constantly stressed out over money and how they should raise it.

Keeping a campaign afloat financially and figuring out where to allocate the funds raised is one of the most complicated parts of any campaign, but it doesn’t have to be.

Down Ballot Allies has a very simple goal: maximizing the value of Democratic donors’ contributions in the most competitive Congressional campaigns in any given cycle. We view Congressional districts holistically, including down ballot races, as part of the overall effort to win a Congressional election.

Investing in DBA means investing in an operation that spends its resources in a targeted fashion: yielding better results on getting out the vote, benefiting candidates from the bottom-up, and giving you more bang for your buck.

We understand that money spent at the local and state levels has a direct, positive impact on the federal races above them - all while giving much-needed financial support to campaigns that will directly impact the lives of their constituents.

Every Congressional district is full of state senate and state house districts, municipalities, school boards, and more - each with elected officials who will also be on the ballot alongside your preferred Congressional candidate. Down ballot races cost per vote a small fraction of Federal races, and local finance rules are generally more lenient, providing a better return for donors’ dollars overall.

We know that the average Democratic Party voter is going to, with minimal exception, vote for the Democratic candidates on the ballot when they show up to vote for the candidate that turned them out (especially in a general election). It doesn’t matter what race they show up for - their presence will likely benefit every Democrat on the ballot.

What we do is determine how to maximize votes (output) while spending the least amount of money (input). By treating all candidates within a district as allies, DBA maximizes the effect of donors’ investments through higher turnout and teamwork between races. We stretch your donations further, investing them in more candidates, and helping Democrats win down the ballot while benefiting the Congressional target.

DBA will contribute the Federal limit of $10,000 in each targeted Congressional race, with up to $90,000 invested in down ballot races within those districts - getting down ballot races the money they need as well as improving voter turnout at every level.

Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
  4. I am not a federal contractor.

By proceeding with this transaction, you agree to ActBlue's terms & conditions.