Democratic Party of Illinois - Federal

Watch our first Spanish-language ads!

We’re proud to be a party of diversity and inclusivity. That’s why we’re launching key initiatives like these to connect with diverse groups of voters in the home stretch leading up to the November election.

Your grassroots donations fund important projects like these. Help us keep connecting with voters in every corner of our state ahead of the election by chipping in $5 or more today!

Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
  4. I am not a federal contractor.
  5. I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.

By proceeding with this transaction, you agree to ActBlue's terms & conditions.