Support Katie Hobbs AZ-GOV, & DemsWork4USA

Arizona's Governor seat is *OPEN* - current Governor, a Republican, is term-limited! Let us help elect Katie Hobbs as Governor and flip the seat blue!

Katie Hobbs is the current Secretary of State of Arizona (AZ-SOS). Katie Hobbs was the first Democrat elected AZ's Secretary of State since 1990. As AZ-SOS, Katie Hobbs has been fighting hard for voters' rights and against Republican legislature and Governor's moves undermining voters voice.

Prior to becoming AZ-SOS in January 2019, she was a member of the Arizona Senate from AZ-SD-24 (2013-2019), where she served as Senate Minority Leader (2015-2019), and Member of the Arizona House of Representatives from AZ-HD-15 (2011-2013).

Katie Hobbs had been a social worker since 1992, working on issues such as domestic violence, behavioral health, and homelessness. Katie Hobbs was an adjunct faculty member at Paridise Valley Community College.

Katie Hobbs earned her bachelor's degree in social work (BSW) from Northern Arizona University, and master's degree in social work (MSW) from Arizona State University. Katie, her husband Pat andtheir two children live in Phoenix Arizona.

We are counting on grassroots supporters like yourself to propel Katie Hobbs to victory.


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Democrats Work for America is a national level grassroots political action committee, for and by grassroots Democratic activists. This is an independent effort, not affiliated with any political candidate or candidate's committee. Donations go directly to respective campaigns; you can allocate donations in any proportion. Volunteers are requested to sign up at to help with voter turnout efforts. Contributions to Democrats Work for America are not capped by maximum contribution limits and not subject to gift tax calculations. We do not accept corporate dollars. Political contributions or gifts are subject to the FEC reporting rules and not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

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