In 2019 we moved into our Restore Oakland, in the heart of Oakland's Fruitvale neighborhood. Since then, EBC and our partners have helped transform lives with living wage jobs, community healing circles, and mutual aid events. This building has made it possible for us to organize from a safe and stable center, where we can collectively work to close youth prisons, sustain equitable economics, and practice restorative justice – together.
With your tax-deductible gift to EBC's 5th Anniversary Campaign for the building, you are sustaining the space we use everyday to collectively dream, organize, and act. You are providing the foundation our work is built on.
Remember that many people choose to give from their assets – stocks, mutual funds, gifts from their IRA, cryptocurrency, and grants from their Donor-Advised Funds. For more information about making tax-advantageous gifts, please contact Director of Development Ash Lynette at