Will you give to sustain our power as a grassroots force of change?
Action after action, women are taking matters into our own hands at an unprecedented scale, because lives are at stake. Our resistance began with Trump’s assault on our human rights, but it doesn’t end with him. We will vote, we will march, we will rally, and we will disobey to create swift political consequences for anyone who upholds the agenda of the white supremacists in the Oval Office.
Women’s March is a nationwide network of grassroots leaders, activists and organizers who are disobeying and resisting to stop the harm done to our most marginalized communities and defending our human rights. Membership allows us to build a sustainable, strategic long term movement that bases its work and actions on the urgency of the moment rather than the resources available, so we can build our collective power, influence and infrastructure for the many fights and victories that lie ahead.
With your recurring donation to Women's March, you are investing in the tools and trainings that grassroots women leaders need to be changemakers. We aren't waiting for someone else to fix things, and we can't wait for someone else to fund us.
Women’s March will always be on the side of the people, making sure ALL our voices are heard in the democratic process. This is our America. We demand our rights and we will not stop until we get them.
Become a member today by choosing a monthly recurring contribution level below.