Gaba Media LLC

Gaba's Endgame 200 (Nevada - Oklahoma)

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There's over 6,400 state legislative districts on the ballot this November nationally, but only around 700 of those are considered potentially competitive, and some of those don't have Democratic nominees with ActBlue accounts.

Until now I've been raising money for Democrats running in roughly 600 of these districts, but as we enter the Endgame stage of the 2024 election cycle, I'm narrowing things down further to the 200 closest districts only.

All of the districts listed below have PVI ratings of 4 or lower according to Dave's Redistricting, which means they're considered either true tossups or at least competitive.

I've broken these final 200 districts out into 5 pages with 40 races apiece. I've linked to the other 4 pages beneath the list below.

While donations are split evenly across all 40 candidates by default, you can also pick & choose which ones to donate to using the "customize amounts" tool.

As always, all donations go directly to the campaigns listed; I receive nothing.

--Charles Gaba

* = incumbent


  • NV-HD-002 (R+02): Ronald Steven Nelsen
  • NV-HD-004 (R+03): Ryan Hampton
  • NV-HD-037 (D+03): Shea Backus
  • NV-SD-05 (EVEN): Jennifer Atlas


  • NM-HD-031 (R+02): Vicky Estrada-Bustillo
  • NM-HD-057 (D+01): Michelle Sandoval
  • NM-HD-060 (R+04): Luke Jungmann
  • NM-SD-12 (EVEN): Phillip Ramirez
  • NM-SD-21 (EVEN): Athena Christodoulou


  • NY-HD-014 (R+02): Ellen Lederer DeFrancesco
  • NY-HD-019 (R+03): Sanjeev Jindal
  • NY-HD-112 (EVEN): Joe Seeman
  • NY-HD-119 (D+01): Marianne Buttenschon*
  • NY-HD-145 (R+02): Jeffrey Elder
  • NY-SD-01 (D+01): Sarah Anker


  • NC-HD-005 (D+01): Howard Hunter III
  • NC-HD-024 (D+03): Dante Pittman
  • NC-HD-025 (D+03): Lorenza Wilkins
  • NC-HD-098 (R+02): Beth Gardner Helfrich
  • NC-SD-11 (D+02): James Mercer
  • NC-SD-13 (D+01): Lisa Grafstein
  • NC-SD-18 (R+02): Terence Everitt
  • NC-SD-24 (R+02): Kathy Batt
  • NC-SD-42 (D+02): Woodson Bradley


  • ND-SD-44 (D+03): Joshua Boschee

OHIO (10):

  • OH-HD-010 (R+01): Mark Sigrist
  • OH-HD-014 (D+02): Sean Brennan*
  • OH-HD-023 (R+02): Dan Troy*
  • OH-HD-031 (R+01): AJ Harris
  • OH-HD-035 (R+04): Mark Curtis
  • OH-HD-036 (R+03): Rose Lounsbury
  • OH-HD-049 (R+02): Krista Allison
  • OH-HD-052 (R+03): Genevieve Flieger
  • OH-SD-18 (R+04): Katie O'Neill
  • OH-SD-24 (R+01): Sue Durichko


  • OK-HD-034 (R+02): Trish Ranson*
  • OK-HD-046 (R+02): Jacob Rosecrants*
  • OK-HD-070 (R+04): Suzanne Schreiber*
  • OK-HD-085 (R+01): Cyndi Munson*
  • OK-HD-094 (D+02): Andy Fugate*


Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. I am at least eighteen years old.
  3. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  4. I certify that this contribution is being made from my own personal funds, is not being reimbursed in any manner, and is not being made as a loan to the committee.
  5. The address I have provided is my residential address and not a P.O. Box.
  6. I am not a lobbyist registered in North Carolina
  7. I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.
  8. I am not an employee of the Ohio public office for which the recipient of my contribution is a candidate.
  9. This contribution is not from a corporation or labor union.
  10. I declare that this contribution is for a campaign or committee in the State of Oklahoma and is freely and voluntarily given from my own personal property. I further declare that I have not been directly or indirectly compensated or reimbursed for this contribution. Clicking on the Donate button above shall operate as the electronic equivalent of my signature attesting to the truth of this statement.

By proceeding with this transaction, you agree to ActBlue's terms & conditions.