Sponsor a young person to attend the ERA Centennial Convention!

Can you sponsor a young feminist to attend the intergenerational ERA Centennial Convention in Seneca Falls & cultivate the next generation of ERA leaders?

From July 21st through 23rd, feminists from across the country will gather in Seneca Falls, NY to commemorate the 100-year long struggle to publish the Equal Rights Amendment.

Generation Ratify, along with partner organizations ERA Action and Columbia Law School's ERA Project, are bringing folks of ALL ages together to celebrate the women and queer people who have fought for the ERA for 100 years, push for finalizing the federal ERA, and launch the grassroots fight for a New York state-level ERA ballot initiative. The goal is to mark the century-long fight to get the ERA into the Constitution by ending it.

To truly make this convention truly intergenerational, we need to financially support students attending. On average, it costs $250 to sponsor the participation of one young ERA advocate. This includes transportation, housing, food, and all the costs associated with their participation in the convention. Our goal is to bring 100 young people to Seneca Falls.

Hosted at the First Presbyterian Church of Seneca Falls, where the National Woman’s Party first unveiled the ERA, the event will be focused on cultivating the next generation of ERA activists and helping young people see their place in history as constitution makers. The target is to have at least one ERA activist from all 50 states attend the in-person event to build a nationwide network of advocates, and set goals for constitutional equality for the next year. Learn more about the convention (and sign-up!) here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/era-centennial-convention-tickets-461810366237.

Whether you can give $5, $250, or $1,000, every bit helps us bring young feminists to Seneca Falls and build the movement we need to win the Equal Rights Amendment.

Contact rosie@generationratify.org with any questions.

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Your contribution will benefit Young Feminist Party.
Make it monthly!
We are in it for the long-haul. The Centennial Convention is just the beginning. Help us sustain our work by becoming a monthly donor.


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