Contribution rules
- This contribution does not cause me to exceed my contribution limit of $1000. I understand that all
contributions I make to this candidate or committee must be cumulated. I understand that a contribution from
another individual or entity whose contribution activity I control, such as a business that I own or control, must
be aggregated with this contribution, and both contributions will be treated as a single contribution from me.
- I am not a bidder, sub-contractor, principal, or underwriting firm that is prohibited from contributing under Los
Angeles City Charter § 470(c)(12) or 609(e).
- The information regarding my address, occupation, and employer is correct.
- This contribution is not being made under a false name, is not being made under another person’s name, and has not been and will not be reimbursed.
- I am not a lobbyist or lobbying firm that is prohibited from contributing under Los Angeles City Charter § 470(c)(11).
- I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
- The address provided is my residence address.
- This contribution is from my personal funds.
- I am not a planning applicant, owner, or principal that is prohibited from contributing under Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 49.7.37.
- I am at least eighteen years old.
- This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.