February 2024 Breakfast

State Government Initiatives -- Local Government Impacts

Join DAD to look at areas where State actions conflict with local sentiment and what authority our local Governments have to respond.  Our speakers tackle the Tysons casino bill, the JLARC* report on school funding shortfalls and the taxation burden on Northern Virginia.  Join Hunter Mill District Supervisor Walter Alcorn, Dranesville District Supervisor Jimmy Bierman and Providence District School Board Chair Karl Frisch who will discuss these issues and how Virginia's Dillon rule affects local ability to respond.  


* Virginia's Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) recently found that Virginia lags other states, including Kentucky, Maryland and West Virginia, in funding public schools

Monday, Feb 19, 2024

Jimmy's Old Town Tavern, 697 Spring St, Herndon

7:30 AM: network

8:00 AM: breakfast and speaker

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