Seize the momentum and we'll win!

Last night we saw our president articulate the values that sets the Democratic Party apart from the GOP: a forward-looking agenda that invests in growing the middle class and levels the playing field so that everyone gets a fair shot. By contrast, Mitt Romney presidency would turn the clock back on America.

We have the momentum, but we need your help if it will get a Democratic State House majority elected.

Colorado is a first-tier battleground state. Every campaign affects the entire ticket. We need your help!


Mark Ferrandino
State Representative
Democratic Caucus Leader

Contribution rules

  1. I am at least eighteen years old.
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am a United States citizen.
  4. This contribution is not from a corporation or labor union.
The House Majority Project is an initiative of the Colorado Democratic Party - All contributions to the House Majority Project are aggregated with contributions to the Democratic Senate Campaign Fund and the Colorado Democratic Party and are limited to $3,350 per calendar year for individuals, sole proprietorships, LLPs, LLCs and state PACs, and $16,925 per calendar year for Small Donor Committees. Contributions from corporations, labor unions, foreign governments, and non-U.S. citizens are prohibited. Contributions are not tax deductible.

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