Robert Ferri

Robert Ferri for Mayor of Cranston - A City that Works for YOU

My name is Robert Ferri and I am the Democratic candidate running for Mayor of Cranston. I am running for mayor because we need a leader who will make our city work for its residents.

Simply put, if I thought things were working well in our city, I wouldn’t be running.


First, let me tell you a little bit about myself:

  • I have been (successfully) married to my wife Denise for 44 years. I feel it is one of my greatest accomplishments in life.
  • We have 2 children that we raised in Cranston and attended Cranston public schools from grades K thru 12. Sending our children to good schools is the reason we moved to Cranston. I consider our schools one of the city’s greatest assets.
  • We were recently blessed with our 4th grandchild. 


The qualifications I bring to the Mayor’s race include two terms as a City-Wide Council Member and 20 years experience owning a small business - a bowling alley, Town Hall Lanes in Johnston.

I have a clear track record of bringing people of different viewpoints together to make policy that improves lives. 

I will make the city work for all of us by listening and telling the truth. 

I will work beyond the political fighting to bring people together to improve the quality of life for everyone.

I want everyone, not just some to be proud to call Cranston their home.

I promise to always listen to you and tell the truth about how I stand on any issue.

I will remain accountable to you before and after I am elected.


I have a great track record of responding to and getting constituent problems solved.


I have developed a Council Newsletter that now has over 6500 subscribers that I publish every month. I will continue this as mayor.


I will work tirelessly to improve our city services and generate new revenue for the city. 

We need to ensure that Cranston is prepared for the future by:

  • Investing in our schools.
  • Improving our parks and infrastructure.
  • Eliminating wasteful spending.
  • Tackling our environmental challenges from flooding to energy to responsible development.


I hope to meet you and learn more about the issues that matter to you as I speak to people across Cranston in the coming months. I hope I can earn your support. If you have a question or want to get involved in our people-powered campaign, please contact me at or


-Councilman Robert Ferri

Democrat Candidate for Mayor of Cranston

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