Enough is enough

It is a dark time for liberal values in America. It's as if the election of Donald Trump opened a political Pandora's Box and all the worst ideas in history are flying out of it: racism, xenophobia, hate, antisemitism. Neo-Nazis and open fascists have infiltrated mainstream political organizations. Trump's toadies are promising to set up camps for immigrants and deport tens of millions of our neighbors. The far right has already initiated a nationwide campaign of abuse and harassment aimed at driving LGBT people underground. And in their private circles, these groups are plotting even worse: horrifying campaigns of state-sanctioned violence and discrimination against racial, sexual, and religious minorities.

If I’m elected, I would prefer all my attention to be focused on state and local issues: economic development, schools, public safety. But I can't ignore what's happening in this country.

No compromises: I will fight back against far-right bigots and their leaders, as long and hard as necessary.

The creeping normalization of far-right politics must stop. I believe it is profoundly important for elected leaders to be vocal about the threat, and do anything they can to stop these groups before they can seize power. The forces of hate are anathema to American democracy and I will never tolerate them in any position of influence. We need to drive them out of power and back into whatever dark hole they crawled out of.

I refuse to go back to the days of open bigotry in politics. I'm tired of Democrats who worry about the polls or want to split the difference with the far right. I won't negotiate on this and I won't wait for anyone's permission to speak. If you believe we need voices like that, please help elect me.

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