Massachusetts Democratic Party - Federal

The Fiscal Truth is a Massachusetts Democratic Party-sponsored website that sheds light on the truth about Massachusetts public policy and our economy, while exposing the propaganda and lies spread by the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance. They may be entitled to their own opinion – but not to their own facts!

WHO ARE THEY? The Mass Fiscal Alliance claims to be “a non-partisan, non-profit 501c(4) organization”. In reality, Mass Fiscal Alliance is a Tea Party organized Super PAC funded with undisclosed dark money. For months Mass Fiscal Alliance has engaged in an exclusive campaign of dirty politics against incumbent Democrat State Representatives, many of whom have Tea Party-backed opponents in the November election.

The Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance is led by New Jersey native and registered lobbyist Paul Diego Craney who recently moved to Massachusetts after serving as Executive Director of the Washington, D.C. Republican Party. Upon his resignation from his Washington, D.C. political job Craney refused to disclose any information about the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance upon inquiry from the Washington Post.

HOW DO THEY GET AWAY WITH IT? The Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance operates in a loophole of the Internal Revenue Service code that allows it spend unlimited dollars on political activities like the negative mailer you received in the mail without disclosing which corporations or people are funding these activities. How do they get away with this? By claiming to be non-partisan and by also claiming that they are “promoting social welfare” by picking and choosing votes that make their far-right candidates look good and make moderate Democrats look bad. The Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance is everything that we the people should fear after Citizens United – unlimited and anonymous corporate money being poured into small town political campaigns with half-truths.

WHAT IS THE TRUTH? With a AA+ bond rating, the highest in Massachusetts history, and unemployment lower than the national average at less than 6%, the Commonwealth has comeback from the Great Recession of 2008-2009.

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