Picture this unforgettable moment: Senator Kyrsten Sinema's electrifying performance of 'Popular' from Wicked the Musical at Retiring Members of Congress Karaoke Night. It will be a sea change moment in American politics that brings the entire nation to its feet and signals a major shift in the way people think about politics in this country. This moment of pure joy and inspiration will demonstrate the power of live political theater to reshape the political landscape.
The Forgiving Stage, a pioneer in unusually immersive live political theater, is dedicated to creating these magical moments, but we need your help to make it happen. Your support will enable us to produce innovative shows that not only entertain but also inspire positive change and bring people together across the political spectrum.
So, let's harness the transformative potential of live political theater. By fusing humor, creativity, and a spirit of playfulness, we can change the way politics is approached and create a more hopeful and optimistic atmosphere. Your donation will help us turn this vision into reality. So please, donate now, and let's bring America the magic of live political theater.