支持一下CSA行动者小伙伴 | Support CSA Network

支持一下CSA行动者小伙伴 | Support CSA Network

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中国(留)学生与行动者网络(Chinese Student and Activist Network,下称CSA)致力于连接世界各地关注社会议题的中国(留)学生,提供各种组织、参与社会正义行动所需的工具和资源,让大家迈出从关注到行动,从行动到组织的那一步。和我们一起做一些打碎无力感的事情吧!

我是fran,我是今年夏天在CSA学习社会行动和组织的fellow。今年夏天,我们筹办了历时两天的Convening工作坊,届时美国各地关注社会议题的小伙伴会相聚在纽约,共同探索我们社群以后的路。在fellowship的过程中,我看见了CSA如何一点点凝聚、构建连接,从几个人的理想执着变成一个互相支持、互相关心、共同行动的社群。因为感到孤独的不止一个人,想要行动的不止一个人。我非常喜欢CSA Community Survey Report里的这句话:“你不是一个人,我们终将相遇。”



如果你还在犹豫,可以去我们的网站 csanetwork.org 看看我们的过往活动和资源包,以及历时一年调研采访写成的中国(留)学生行动者社群问卷报告。

Hi friends! I am hoping to get your support to fund the Chinese Students and Activists Network (CSA Network,中国(留)学生与行动者网络). A couple years ago, CSA Network was established to provide a “political home” for Chinese international students and activists in the US. Through resource sharing, relationship building, and leadership development, CSA hopes to empower Chinese international students and activists to participate in social justice struggles both at home and abroad. This summer, I am a fellow with CSA and helping to build such an infrastructure for change in the Chinese international student community, a community I call my own. We are putting together an organizing convening,“探索我们的路/Forging Our Paths”,in New York City, July 30-31. As a young organization, we really need your support to fund these community-based programs.

Please donate and help share/repost. To learn more about CSA Network, you may check out our website csanetwork.org and instagram@csanetwork.

While we are often portrayed as a privileged, apolitical monolith, this community is extremely diverse. Through the CSA Network, I have connected with so many Chinese diaspora activists coming from different backgrounds; together, we reimagine how we can transform our multiple positionalities into organizing power. We long to build a sustainable community capable of translating across borders and contexts. You can help through donating whatever amount you can and reposting this page. We invite you to be part of this movement!

English blurb credit: Huiyin Zhou

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