Donate to Freed Promise Project

What is Modern Slavery?

Sex Trafficking.

Child Sex Trafficking.

Forced Labor.

Bonded Labor or Debt Bondage.

Domestic Servitude.

Forced Child Labor.

We were taught the 13th amendment ended slavery in school, this is not the case.

We feel the 13th amendment not only did not make slavery illegal, it in fact legalized and monopolized

slavery for the government.

Any exception or allowance of slavery means that Slavery is not an issue for the history books but is alive and well in America today.

We believe that all humans have the right to dignity,

we are a nonpartisan non-profit whose main mission is to educate the public while working to end modern-day slavery.

Slavery is not limited to the pages of history books but exists in many parts of the world today including America.

We ask you to stand up next to those who are less fortunate, those who are being used to profit those bigger then them. No matter if they are inmates making it profitable to incarcerate the poor and lower class working man, The farm worker that came here in hopes of a better life for them and their family, or the unfortunate adults and children that a taken and used for many different kinds of trafficking.

please help us In are mission to end Modern Day Slavery by donating any thing you can to aid this mission.

It could be you.

for more information on how you can help please vistit:

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