Our goal is to raise $50,000 of unrestricted support in our mutual aid fund, for housing and basic needs, free from government restrictions, to support those who are the most marginalized and aren’t eligible for support from restricted funding buckets. Can you make a much-needed gift to our mutual aid fund? Support for rental assistance, emergency housing, and move-in costs helps community members finally find permanent housing, instead of staying in a perpetual survival mode.
Are you ready to give differently? If so, you’re invited to listen to David share his experiences on the “First Responder” episode of the People over Plastic podcast (bit.ly/fp-firstresponder). Then, would you consider making a monthly gift as part of a conscious practice to shift funds to communities historically under-resourced and overly-impacted by the racial wealth gap?
Are there other needs or ways you want to connect or give? If so, let us know — we look forward to connecting! We are all in this together and we cannot do this work without you.
With love and gratitude,
The Freedom Project Family