College Democrats Fresno State and Fresno City Invite you to join us for an evening of celebration From Red To A Bright Blue Future We will be honoring Fran Florez- Commissioner for High Speed Rail & Candidate for 30th AD James Williams- Community Activist
Keynote speaker -Michael Rubio – Kern County Supervisor
Friday, May 1st, 2010 Time: 1pm Reception Toledo’s Mexican Restaurant 367 E Shaw Ave, Fresno CA 93710 $25.00 Donation per person $40 Donation per couple $150 Donation per table (8) Sponsorships available Food and Drinks will be provided
Make Checks Payable to: CSU FRESNO College Democrats FPPC # 1317704
Help build a new generation of democratic leadership
Contact Pedro Ramirez to RSVP and for more information Phone: 559-759-6633, Email: WWW.FRESNODEM.COM
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