In this uncertain world, one thing is sure – we must register more Democrats to save our democracy. A whole lot more. And Field Team 6 is the national leader of those efforts. But if we're going to scale up in every way, we're going to need your help.
At a dollar a voter, and $8.58 per net new vote, there is no better bargain in politics.
Help us register the voters who will take back the House in '26 and take back the White House and Senate in '28.
Because the deep ugly out there will once again be answered by a deeper beauty: all of us, uniting to not only crush fascism, but create the society we dream of.
Thank you!!
Jason & Field Team 6
To donate $5k or more by check or by Zelle, click here.
About Field Team 6
Field Team 6 is the partisan voter registration specialist who has delivered 2.3 million new Democrats and independent voters by the 2022 Midterms, at the largest scale and lowest cost ever seen in progressive organizing.