Future Matters

Your Support Matters

Future Matters blends old-fashioned person-to-person organizing with the digital tools of modern politics, working one community at a time to engage, educate, and empower people at a local level. That focus on high quality contact means your donation goes a long way-- you're supporting the people and tools that drive change day-in and day-out, not fly-by-night ad campaigns and out of state consultants.

Here’s how our money gets spent:

  • Staff who perform community outreach for a living wage of at least $15/hour
  • Targeted digital advertising that ensures our message always reaches new, vital audiences
  • A communications team that keeps our community informed, and earns coverage for our work
  • The technology that allows us to host successful digital town halls across the state
  • Research on public policy that can build a better future for all Marylanders

Join us in supporting this crucial work, and building the future we deserve.

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