Georgia Blue PAC

ENDORSEMENT ALERT: Susie Greenberg (HD-53)!

The Georgia House Democrats proudly endorsed Susie Greenberg, Democratic candidate for House District 53.

Chip in what you can today to support this critical race in our path to a Democratic Majority in the Georgia House!

Greenberg is challenging Republican Deborah Silcox, who was elected to represent District 53 in November 2022. Silcox was a part of the Republican State House leadership team that laid the groundwork to revoke a woman’s right to choose in the state of Georgia. Georgia’s 53rd House District is one of the most competitive legislative districts in the state, and Democrats’ top opportunity to flip a seat from Red to Blue this cycle. HD-53 voted overwhelmingly for President Biden in 2020 with 54% of the vote and for Senator Warnock in 2022 with 53.1% of the vote.

Leader James Beverly and candidate Susie Greenberg issued the following statement after her endorsement: 

“The Georgia House Democrats are ecstatic to endorse Susie Greenberg, a community advocate who will be a strong voice for reproductive freedom, common-sense gun safety laws, strong public schools, and lower healthcare costs,” said Leader James Beverly. “ Susie has hit the ground running and has a record-breaking warchest to show for it. She is the ideal candidate to represent the community her family has called home for nearly three decades.” 

“I am so grateful for an endorsement from the Georgia House Democrats and I am looking forward to the opportunity to join their ranks in November,” said Susie Greenberg, Democratic candidate for HD-53.

Thank you for your support.

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