GLAHR Action Network

GLAHR Action Network

Since the 2020 general election, Mijente, GLAHR Action Network and SONG Power were the only organizations door-knocking in the state, reaching Black, LGBTQIA+, and Latinx voters. We reached 120,000 people by door-knocking alone in Gwinnett and Cobb counties, and 500,000 through text and phone banks statewide. What we saw was Gwinnett had one of the largest turnouts of Latino voters in the state.

These efforts grew from our outreach work in 2018. Along with our national partner, Mijente, we ran the first campaign focused on outreaching Latinos in the governor race in Georgia. We had conversations with over 92,000 Latinos, almost half of the Latinx community in the state. Since then, we have continued to build political power and lead campaigns such as the ones that ended the 287g agreements in Cobb and Gwinnett counties. 

In addition to big gains in voter turnout and participation throughout the state, our election work resulted in wins for the community when sheriffs pledged to end the 287g program in Gwinnett and Cobb counties. The 287g program turned these two counties into the top counties deporting immigrants. 

Your continued support helped make these changes and outreach possible. Without it someone doesn't receive information regarding upcoming elections or is not reached with current information including dates for registration and voting.

Help make all of this possible by donating today!

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