Right now GoFundMe is feeling tremendous pressure. Over 100K ColorOfChange members have spoken up, thousands have tweeted, and the media is paying attention. If we push hard right now, we can ensure that GoFundMe takes down the Darren Wilson fundraisers once and for all, and return all profits. Together, we can win this campaign.
Help us increase our pressure and move GoFundMe to do the right thing. We need your support in order to purchase ads across San Diego, where the company is headquartered, sending our message loud and clear. GoFundMe won’t be able to ignore these ads, and it will put community pressure on the company and its employees.
Further, we will push GoFundMe to change their “Terms and Conditions” so that perpetrators of racially-motivated violence can never fundraise on the platform again. We want to ensure that there are no more Darren Wilsons who profit hundreds of thousands of dollars in the aftermath of taking Black life.