Donate to Goolsby for City Council District 7

Hello. I am Merika Goolsby, long time and active resident, voter, and small business owner in east Oakland District 7. I was born and raised in San Francisco and have lived all over the east bay as an adult. Due to living in Oakland most of my adult life I know the problems we face first hand because I have lived through them. I have seen and know what has worked for us and what has not. It is no longer enough to sit back and hope someone does something meaningful to improve life in Oakland. I have been taking action to improve east Oakland for the past decade and a half and now I am taking my responsibility in creating the change I want to see to the next level by running for city council. 

We are surviving insecurities in the areas of employment, housing safety and more. Enough is enough!! I am stepping up to represent District 7 and the issues we care about to improve the lives of everyone in my district. 

Contribution rules

  1. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  2. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  3. The Oakland Campaign Reform Act limits campaign contributions by all persons (OMC §§3.12.050 and 3.12.060) and prohibits contributions during specified time periods from contractors doing business with the City of Oakland or the Oakland Unified School District (OMC §3.12.140).
  4. I am at least eighteen years old.

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