With warm days returning after a tough year, we are all looking forward to getting out, spending time with friends and loved ones, and resuming certain simple pleasures from the before times. That might mean doing out to dinner, catching a movie, or, with nail salons back open, getting a mani-pedi to bring a splash of color and self-care to our week.
Everyone deserves to partake in life’s small pleasures. Sadly, many of the immigrant women who offer this pampering and care to others, are not able to care for themselves due to exploitative working conditions. A recent survey of nail salon workers in the NY area found that nearly 80 percent were making less than the minimum wage. And with the pandemic on, the routine health and safety violations that already exposed workers to carcinogenic chemicals, have become even more harrowing.
We need to fight for those who care for us. Pitch in today to support the NY Healthy Nail Salon Coalition, organizing for just wages and safe working conditions in the nail salon industry.
Following the leadership of nail salon workers, we are paving the way forward to an industry that is just, dignified and safe for workers, clients and business owners alike. We have big plans this year to build nail salon worker leadership, ensure that workplace violations get investigated, and to take our fight to Albany to get the Nail Salon Accountability Act passed.
Add your contribution today.
Whether you get your nails done or not, we welcome you to join us in transforming this industry, and to fight for workers who do so much to care for others.
-New York Healthy Nail Salons Coalition (Adhikaar, Workers' United, and NYCOSH)