To sustain our Party, we need you to commit to being a monthly donor. Arkansas Democrats have to come together to work to protect our incumbent legislators, bust the supermajority of Republicans, and build the party.
Become a Friend of the Party
For $50 - $124+ become a friend of the party, and get a DPA bumper sticker, an annual thank you call from a DPA officer, a Heart of the Party lapel pin, and a DPA magnet.
Build the Party
Donate to help build the party.
For $25 - $49 a month, you’ll get a DPA bumper sticker, a DPA magnet, and an annual thank you call from a DPA officer.
Build the Bench
Donate $10 - $24 monthly to help us build the bench.
Invest and expect a DPA bumper sticker, and a DPA magnet.
Build Back Better
Donate $5 - $9 to help us build back our party better.
Sustain our party, and receive a DPA bumper sticker.
For more information, contact Sarah Lindsey Harrison at or 501-374-2361.