Join us in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month & Indigenous Peoples’ Day!
Ticket Descriptions:
Futuro Lider: For young professionals under the age of 30.
Guest: For those who want to join us in celebrating! Standard event ticket.
Luchador: Ready to fight for representation? Includes one (1) host ticket and recognition at the event.
Campeon: Are you a champion for Latino representation - join us! Includes one (1) host ticket, and four (4) guest tickets, a social media shoutout, and recognition at the event.
Lider: For those leading the charge for our community! Includes one (1) host ticket, ten (10) guest tickets, a social media shoutout, your name or logo on digital material (including this landing page), and recognition at the event.
Latinos in Virginia make up nearly 11% of the population yet we are not represented at this level across elected offices in the Commonwealth. It’s time to change that!