IfNotNow Movement

The High Holidays are a moment to reflect on the past and recommit to a hopeful vision for the future.

5781 was a year of historic progress for the American Jewish community. As a movement set on transforming our community, there’s a lot for us to be proud of. To mark this moment of transition, we hope you can help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 during the High Holiday season so we can build on that progress in 5782. 

5781 began with a bang, with the majority of American Jews joining a multiracial coalition to oust Trump from office, and helping organize against major challenges to our democracy. Through it all, we showed our community’s commitment to collective safety and multiracial democracy.  

In the spring, we witnessed the challenge of the worst violence in Israel/Palestine since our movement began. In response, we led the Jewish community to act against the displacement in Sheikh Jarrah and violence in Gaza. We mobilized thousands of Jews against apartheid to march alongside Palestinians in a rejection of the status quo. 

Then this summer, a sign that all that organizing had created a progressive transformation in our community: a poll from the Jewish Electorate Institute came out in July showing that nearly 40% of American Jews under 40 agree that Israel is an apartheid state, 58% of American Jews support restricting US aid to Israel so it does not spend U.S. money on building more settlements, and 61% of American Jews recognized that antisemitism is a much larger threat from the right, despite well-funded efforts to smear progressives.

When IfNotNow began seven years ago, we envisioned transforming the Jewish community. Now, in 5781, we’re seeing our work come to fruition and this vision starting to become a reality

We have no illusions about work still to be done in 5782. We don’t rely on billionaires to make that possible — we are counting on the support of grassroots donors like yourself to continue the progress that the American Jewish community has made.

Donate to build upon our success.

Contribution rules

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  2. By making a contribution, you attest that the contribution is made from your own funds or the funds of an authorizing corporation or other entity, and the funds are not being provided by any other person or entity.
Note: Contributions, donations, and gifts to IfNotNow Movement are not tax deductible. They support our advocacy and political efforts and allow us to build the most powerful movement we can to end the American Jewish community's support for the occupation. IfNotNow Movement is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. DONATE BY CHECK: Make your check payable to If Not Now Movement and send it to If Not Now Movement, 1629 K St NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20006 You can MAKE A TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION to the 501(c)3 IfNotNow Education Fund here, which supports our educational work to raise awareness about the occupation and the American Jewish community's support for it. Questions? Issues? Email us at info@ifnotnowmovement.org

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