Donors Intro to Field Team 6 & Historic House Tour! Saturday, July 22 at 2p PT!

Come find out all about Field Team 6 and our mission: Register Democrats. Save the world. And help us achieve that mission with your donation!

Join us in Los Angeles' historic West Adams district for a Field Team 6 presentation, followed by a tour of a recently restored historic home, designed and built by the Crenshaw Co. in 1913, and lovingly filled with historic fixtures, furniture and art. And help restore democracy as beautifully as our host Lore Hilburg has restored this house!

Come on out Saturday, July 22 from 2-3pm PT. Address supplied when you buy a ticket!


• how Field Team 6 helped register 785k Democratic voters for the 2020 election, and a total of 2.9 million to date

• how we're going to save the Senate, House, White House, and the democracy in 2024

• how exactly your donor dollars will get us there!

We need to raise $3m to help register 3 million Democrats by November '24. And everything helps! It costs about a dollar for Field Team 6 to help register a Democratic voter. So every $100 = 100 new Democrats!


Those new Democrats then elect Democrats at every level of government. And then that government can finally pass laws protecting abortion rights, LGBTQ+ rights, voting rights, and the democracy itself. This fight for freedom is no game. So thanks for playing!

About Field Team 6

Field Team 6 is a volunteer army on a simple mission: Register Democrats. Save the World. To win in 2020, we helped register 785,000 Democratic voters in 11 key swing states including Arizona, Wisconsin, and Georgia. In 2022, we brought that total to 2.89 million and defied history, preventing a Red Wave and actually *increasing* our Senate majority. We did this by registering women, young people, people of color, the LGBTQ+ community, and every single good-hearted person we could find... and getting them out to vote! Now it’s time to save the world again – so we’re registering new Democrats who can win important battles in 2023, and win us the House, Senate, and White House in 2024!

Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
  4. I am not a federal contractor.
Field Team 6 is a 527 nonprofit organization. EIN 83-2913188.

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