Next week will mark the holidays for millions of people across the country. It’s a time of celebration and joy, but every year there are too many Black families who have empty seats around their holiday dinners. This year, it’s the families of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Tanesha Anderson, John Crawford, and many, many more.
But there’s a vibrant movement on the streets demanding that our country value and protect Black lives, and it's forcing many Americans -- particularly our elected officials -- to wake up to the realities of everyday violence against Black people. We're in the middle of a transformative moment, and ColorOfChange has bold plans for 2015. We are going to:
1) Strengthen the police accountability work we’ve spear-headed throughout 2014. From ensuring Darren Wilson, Daniel Pantaleo, and other police officers are held fully accountable, to securing nationwide structural reforms addressing discriminatory police violence, there’s a lot to be done.
2) Lift up the voices of our 1 million members to fight back against the new right-wing Congress. The Republicans who now control both houses are determined to pass legislation that will put our communities in harms way. And we're determined to hold them accountable.
3) Continue to combat toxic media representations of Black folks and the movements for justice springing up everywhere.
4) Keep our fingers on the country's pulse, ready to jump on rapid response moments and influence the national dialogue.
...and there’s a lot more in the pipeline.
This holiday season, chip in to strengthen the ColorOfChange's civil rights campaigns in 2015. Every donation you make, every dollar you give, makes a BIG difference. We don't take any money from corporations or lobbyists who don't share our values. We're powered by our community - you energy and your dollars.