We are less than 48 hours away from polls closing in this election!
Here's the good news: Democrats are turning out in record numbers to vote early in critical swing states like Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. However, polls show this race is still tied and Republicans are equally energized behind Donald Trump. With so much on the line, we need to do more.
Here’s the truth: we know the voters we need to reach and get to the polls to elect Kamala Harris and give her a Democratic Congress. But direct voter contact is expensive, and we’re currently over budget because this election is too important to scale back our efforts now.
We’ve already contacted 1.5 million swing state voters this weekend, but we need your support to keep this momentum going. If everyone donated $20 right now, we’d have the resources we need to turn out a record number of Democrats on Tuesday and defeat Donald Trump once and for all.
Will you rush a $20 NOW to ensure we have the resources we need to save our democracy?