Hugo Soto-Martinez

Build Donor Organizing Power for Hugo 2022 General Election

Your donor dollars hold a lot of power in the movement ecosystem. ✊ In this campaign, we have a organizing base of more than 3,200 donors. Add that to the 19,000 voters who voted for Hugo in the primary. That's incredible community power!

We need our donor community to invest in our campaign. Our average donation is $57. Our opponent's average donation is over $500. Every dollar counts towards building the future we want to see with Hugo and CD13.

Will you donate at a level that works best for you? Need support on choosing a donor level? Consider the 1% equity approach, and make a gift that aligns with your personal privilege and capacity to give.

If your monthly income is:

  • $1,000, donate a recurring gift of $10/month;
  • $2,000, donate a recurring gift of $20/month;
  • $3,000, donate a recurring gift of $30/month.

Thank you // mil gracias for your support. Together, we can bring this movement to City Hall!

P.S., The maximum contribution you can make is $800. Additionally, we have a chance to unlock up to $200,000 in matching city funds this election cycle. For every local donor who donates up to $114, their contribution will be matched 6:1.

Contribution rules

  1. This contribution does not cause me to exceed my contribution limit of $900. I understand that all contributions I make to this candidate or committee must be cumulated. I understand that a contribution from another individual or entity whose contribution activity I control, such as a business that I own or control, must be aggregated with this contribution, and both contributions will be treated as a single contribution from me.
  2. I am not a bidder, sub-contractor, principal, or underwriting firm that is prohibited from contributing under Los Angeles City Charter § 470(c)(12) or 609(e).
  3. The information regarding my address, occupation, and employer is correct.
  4. This contribution is not being made under a false name, is not being made under another person’s name, and has not been and will not be reimbursed.
  5. I am not a lobbyist or lobbying firm that is prohibited from contributing under Los Angeles City Charter § 470(c)(11).
  6. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  7. The address provided is my residence address.
  8. This contribution is from my personal funds.
  9. I am not a planning applicant, owner, or principal that is prohibited from contributing under Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 49.7.37.
  10. I am at least eighteen years old.
  11. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.

By proceeding with this transaction, you agree to ActBlue's terms & conditions.