Christie took the state’s brand new $12.5 million state police helicopter for some personal time in Bergen County on the taxpayers dime and then flew back to Drumthwacket, so he could look presidential for his wealthy Iowa contributors begging him to run for President.
After an uproar over his initial plans to stick taxpayers with the bill, Christie admitted he has taken multiple trips for personal and political activities on “Hypocrisy One.”
What it comes down to is that Chris Christie completely misses the point; this isn't about reimbursement, it’s that even he doesn't buy in to his own rhetoric about shared sacrifice. He preaches the need to tighten our belt, but families around New Jersey are working 2nd and 3rd jobs to pay for Christie's tax hikes, while he's flying around the state on the taxpayer dime for personal and political joyrides.
The Democratic Party of New Jersey has been fighting against Chris Christie’s hypocrisy and double standards and we need your help to continue the fight. Please consider a contribution of $250, $100, $50 or even $35 to the NJDSC ActBlue® page so that we will have the resources to stand up for working families by exposing the blatant hypocrisy of Chris Christie.
This is a Governor who, as U.S. attorney, railed against anyone blurring the line between public office and private benefit, but he continues to have a defective memory and selective outrage when it comes to his own activities that cross the line even more. Chris Christie always says elected officials should be held to a higher standard and it’s past time he begins to hold himself to that higher standard as well. Your support today will help us hold Chris Christie to that higher standard.