Please join the Indo-American Democratic Organization (IADO) for our 40th Annual Banquet!
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Holiday Inn Northshore
5300 Touhy Avenue | Skokie, Illinois 60077
Meet & Mingle: 5:30 PM | Reception: 6:30 PM
Support Levels:
Governor's Circle - $5,000
Speaker's Circle - $2,500
Community Leader Circle - $1,000
Dinner Ticket - $125
The Indo-American Democratic Organization (IADO) was founded by a small group of South-Asian American leaders in 1980. Since its inception, IADO has established a proven track record of:
• Advocating on behalf of the South-Asian American community on socio-economic issues, ranging from immigration reform to policies that help small businesses grow
• Helping South Asian Americans gain more representation by mobilizing people in the community to vote and by assisting qualified individuals obtain elected/appointed positions at the Federal, State and Local government levels.
All of this is made possible by the robust and widespread financial support IADO receives from people like yourself. Without your support for IADO, the South Asian American community will not have the role it has in the political process.
Please contribute towards IADO's 40th Annual Banquet today!