IFG Action Fund, a 501(c)4 sister organization of the International Forum on Globalization (IFG), is a hub for a growing group of national grassroots networks with millions of voting members who are rapidly realizing that their opposition’s single largest source of funding is Koch Industries. According to Bloomberg Billionaires’ Index, Charles and David Koch share a combined net worth of $104 billion, much more than Gates ($84B), Adelson ($34B), Soros ($26B), or Steyer ($1.6B). Koch told 250 other ultra-conservative donors at their June 2014 secret strategy meeting that they plan to raise a record $500 million to seize the Senate. We cannot outspend Koch, so we must out-organize them. IFG Action aims to influence these upcoming elections, because Koch’s total control over Congress will worsen today’s record economic inequality and accelerating climate catastrophe, while undermining a broader democratic transition toward equity and ecological sustainability. Our unique role is to expose candidates’ Koch connections (their “Koch problem”) so that Americans can stop the world’s two biggest billionaires from effectively buying control of US Congress.
Contribution rules
- Charitable donations made through this form are received and processed by ActBlue Civics, Inc., a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organization formed to democratize charitable giving, and are subject to ActBlue’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. The merchant of record for this transaction is ActBlue Civics, Inc. We subsequently give your contribution to the organization or cause that you have selected on the contribution form within 30 days.
A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained by contacting us at actblue.com/contact or calling (617) 517-7600. Alternatively, our report detailing our programs, a financial summary, and the percentage of contributions dedicated to our charitable purpose, along with a copy of our license, may be obtained from the following state agencies: FLORIDA (registration #CH48620) – Division of Consumer Services 800-435-7352, www.800helpfla.com; GEORGIA (registration #CH012404) – contact ActBlue Civics; MARYLAND (registration #32940) – Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis, MD 21401; MISSISSIPPI – Secretary of State, 888-236-6167; NEW JERSEY (registration #CH3992100) – Attorney General, 973-504-6215, http://www.state.nj.us/lps/ca/charfrm.htm; NEW YORK (registration #45-70-70) – Attorney General, Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271; NORTH CAROLINA (registration #SL010079) – State Soliciting Licensing Branch, 888-830-4989; PENNSYLVANIA (registration #106113) – Department of State, 800-732-0999; VIRGINIA – Office of Consumer Affairs, PO Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23218; WASHINGTON (registration #38989) – Secretary of State, Charities Division, Olympia, WA 98504-0422, 800-332-4483; WEST VIRGINIA – (registration #10214) Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, WV 25305; WISCONSIN (registration #16863 - 800) – contact ActBlue Civics. Registration with and reporting to these agencies does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation of ActBlue Civics.
- By making a contribution, you attest that the contribution is made from your own funds or the funds of an authorizing corporation or other entity, and the funds are not being provided by any other person or entity.
Contributions or gifts to The Advocacy Fund are not tax deductible as charitable contributions or as business expenses under IRC Section 162(e).