Annual donations:
$99 = regular membership
$249 = movement builder
$24 = low income membership
At Incorruptible Mass, we believe elected officials should do what we elect them to do.
We know you care deeply about social, racial, environmental, and economic justice, and a thriving democracy that makes those values a reality.
The problem is, special interests dominate politics, and quickly influence the people we elect. This is infuriating to all of us.
That’s why we’ve spent years perfecting our strategy and are now helping people just like you elect state representatives who will do what we elect them to do.
So become a member today, so you can stop feeling frazzled, burnt out, or hopeless, and be part of a supportive community revitalizing democracy right here in our own back yard.
Together, we’ll enact the social, racial, environmental and economic justice that our seven million Massachusetts residents want, need, and deserve.