Voto Latino Foundation

The Immigrant Neighbor Fund

Our immigrant neighbors are struggling. Despite paying taxes, millions of them have been left out of COVID-19 federal relief efforts. It's up to the rest of us to help them when the federal government will not.

The Immigrant Neighbor Fund, led by the Voto Latino Foundation, in partnership with Mission Asset Fund and APIA Vote, aims to raise and regrant $4 million for Latinxs and Asian American Pacific Islanders left out of the CARES Act. The Mission Asset Fund will screen and distribute funds raised in gifts of $500.

Your donation will go directly to those who need it most. They can use their $500 for groceries, rent, bills, medical care, or whatever needs they prioritize. Thank you for your generous donation and for caring for those who need our help during this crisis.

Contributions to Voto Latino Foundation's Immigrant Neighbor Fund are tax-deductible

Other ways to make a contribution:

Voto Latino Foundation (VLF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in Washington, DC. Our IRS tax identification number is 20-1350252. Contributions to Voto Latino Foundation are tax-deductible. 

You can donate to VLF in the following ways:

ACH Wire Transfer:

Please remit wire payment to:

Bank Name: East West Bank

Account Name: Voto Latino, Inc.

Account Number: 8133010630

Routing #: 322070381

SWIFT Code (if needed): EWBKUS66XXX

Bank Address: 9300 Flair Drive, 4th Floor, El Monte CA 91731

By check:

Please provide your name, phone number, and address. Please make checks payable to Voto Latino Foundation.

Mail your checks to:

Voto Latino Foundation

PO Box 35608

Washington, DC 20033

Via VLF website:

To donate online, visit

If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Steve Chaplain, CFO at or Eugenia V. Colón, CFRE, Vice President of Development at

Voto Latino Foundation appreciates your support.