In 2018 our movement has shown that with a strong foundation, we can make waves — and in 2019, we’re going to keep challenging the establishment by organizing the largest Jewish youth uprising in American history.
And we need to raise $150,000 to do it.
This year we have shown, month in and month out that we can create change with long-term campaigns while also being on the front lines in the most terrifying political moments of 2018.
When the Israeli army reacted to the Great March of Return with deadly violence on the eve of Passover, we were in the streets watching our leaders condon the killing. When Trump recklessly moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem, we were in the streets, rejecting his Embassy of Occupation. When a white nationalist attacked the Tree of Life synagogue, killing 11 American Jews, we were in the streets, mourning with our community.
This year New York Magazine wrote a 5,500 word profile of our movement, diving into our long-term campaigns that showed the American Jewish community that our generation is a force to be reckoned with.
Over the course of just a few months, our #YouNeverToldMe Campaign went from a few testimonies on a website to igniting the most public debate on Israel education in recent memory. This summer, dozens of summer camp counselors talked about the Occupation with their campers and other staff, many for the first time.
And our Birthright: #NotJustAFreeTrip Campaign highlighted the clear ways that Birthright forces its donors’ right-wing ideology onto hundreds of thousands of us. This summer, participants on 3 separate Birthright busses walked off as an act of protest after their leaders refused to show them the truth about the Occupation.
Those moments — like all good movement moments — did not just happen. It took years of building a foundation to get to the moment when we could be the first place for Birthright participants who wanted to walk off their trips and summer camp counselors who wanted to talk about the Occupation to turn.
Our growing, powerful movement is only possible because of grassroots donors like you, who chip in anywhere from $5 to $18 to $72 to $250 in fundraising campaigns just like this one.
If we are going to continue growing in 2019, lead the largest Jewish youth uprising in American history, and raise $150,000, we’re going to need your support.
Please support IfNotNow today.
You can also donate to us via check: Made out to "If Not Now" to PO Box 26425, Washington, DC, 20001.