Earlier this year there were days of protests at the Tennessee state capitol in response to a deadly school shooting in Nashville that took six lives. Democratic lawmakers in Tennessee joined in support of the gun safety advocates and exercised their First Amendment rights to lead a gun reform protest in the chamber. In response, the Tennessee GOP decided to bring a vote to the floor to expel three of the Democratic representatives who were involved in the protest – Rep. Justin Jones, Rep. Justin Pearson and Rep. Gloria Johnson. Rep. Jones and Rep. Pearson, who are Black, were expelled. Rep. Johnson, who is white, was not.
This is an appalling attack on these lawmakers and our democracy. The protests in Nashville were and are about gun violence and our continued fight for our lives. They’re also about the MAGA GOP’s reflexive need to attack our democracy any time they’re confronted with the deadly consequences of their policies. Instead of focusing on solutions, the GOP went to their safe space: silencing dissent and attacking our democracy.
This is a bellwether moment for our democracy in Tennessee and across the country. The actions of the Tennessee GOP lawmakers who expelled their colleagues for absolutely no reason must be condemned, and loudly. Please help us continue our fight against the Fascism that's taking over our state!
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